1-800-649-8481 Toll Free

We provide In-Home Residential Services to children and adults with ID, DD, and/or Autism diagnoses through the Medicaid Waiver and private payment.Accepts referrals for individuals living in the following cities and counties: NRVSCB region including the city of Radford, counties of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski, and the BRBH region including the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and counties of Botetourt, Craig, and Roanoke.

Address: 464 Christiansburg Pike
City: Floyd
State: Virginia
Postal Code: 24091
Office phone: 540-585-4078
Website URL: Array
Additional: Day Support
Tags/Notes: strengthening our system inc, medical & behvioral health, day support, respite, nursing, southwest, floyd