1-800-649-8481 Toll Free

Behavioral Health & Wellness Center is licensed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. We provide Behavior Therapy, Mental Health Skill Building (MHSS) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for families needing support and therapeutic services. This is facilitated through developmental programs, behavior support, communication, and activities of daily living support through the modality of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our mission is to provide quality services to the individuals we serve. Our services provide a supportive program along with a team approach to help develop individuals with mental illnesses, become independent and function in a more beneficial way to society.


Email: [email protected]
Address: 760 Pilot House Drive Suite B
City: Newport News
State: VA
Postal Code: 23606
Office phone: 757. 599. 0012
Website URL: [add-link website=https://bhwc-va.com]